Thin Scanner supports all the below bar code types:
- 2 Of 5 DataLogic = Variant of 2 of 5 barcodes using both black and white bars.
- 2 Of 5 Iata = Variant of 2 of 5, used by the airline industry.
- 2 Of 5 Industrial = Variant of 2 of 5, used by photofinishing and warehouse sorting.
- 2 Of 5 Interleaved = Variant of 2 of 5, which encodes pairs of numbers.
- 2 Of 5 Matrix = Variant of 2 of 5.
- 2 Of 5 NonInterleaved = Variant of 2 of 5, has no check digits.
- 3Of9 = Also called Code 39, limited to 43 characters.
- 3 Of 9 FullAscii = Variant of 3 of 9, using pairs of characters to represent ASCII.
- codabar = Also called Code 2 of 7, used in libraries.
- codabarWithStartStop = Variant of codabar.
- code128 = Codes first 128 of ASCII (binary data).
- code93 = High density and security enhancements to 3Of9.
- ean13 = Variant of UPC, used in retail.
- ean8 = Smaller variant of EAN-13.
- maxicode = Used to track and manage packages.
- pdf417 = Used in transport, ID cards and inventory management.
- postnet = Used to assist in directing mail (ZIP Codes).
- qrCode = 2D code, popular with phones.
- ucc128 = Also called GS1-128, used in retail.
- upca = UPC variant, used in retail.
- upce = UPC variant, used for smaller packages in retail.
Thin Client Document Scanning applications use only a web-browser so users can easily get work done without any software installation